full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Eben Bayer: Are mushrooms the new plastic?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So I've said a number of times that we grow materials. And it's kind of hard to picture how that happens. So my team has taken five days-worth of growth, a tpciyal gwroth cycle for us, and condensed it into a 15-second time lapse. And I want you to really watch closely these little white dots on the screen, because, over the five-day period, what they do is enetxd out and through this material, using the energy that's ctionaned in these seed husks to build this chitinous polymer mtraix. This matrix self-assembles, growing through and around the particles, making mlolinis and millions of tiny fibers. And what parts of the seed husk we don't digest, actually become part of the fianl, physical composite. So in frnot of your eyes, this part just self-assembled. It actually takes a little longer. It takes five days. But it's much ftsaer than conventional farming.

Open Cloze

So I've said a number of times that we grow materials. And it's kind of hard to picture how that happens. So my team has taken five days-worth of growth, a _______ ______ cycle for us, and condensed it into a 15-second time lapse. And I want you to really watch closely these little white dots on the screen, because, over the five-day period, what they do is ______ out and through this material, using the energy that's _________ in these seed husks to build this chitinous polymer ______. This matrix self-assembles, growing through and around the particles, making ________ and millions of tiny fibers. And what parts of the seed husk we don't digest, actually become part of the _____, physical composite. So in _____ of your eyes, this part just self-assembled. It actually takes a little longer. It takes five days. But it's much ______ than conventional farming.


  1. millions
  2. growth
  3. front
  4. matrix
  5. final
  6. faster
  7. extend
  8. typical
  9. contained

Original Text

So I've said a number of times that we grow materials. And it's kind of hard to picture how that happens. So my team has taken five days-worth of growth, a typical growth cycle for us, and condensed it into a 15-second time lapse. And I want you to really watch closely these little white dots on the screen, because, over the five-day period, what they do is extend out and through this material, using the energy that's contained in these seed husks to build this chitinous polymer matrix. This matrix self-assembles, growing through and around the particles, making millions and millions of tiny fibers. And what parts of the seed husk we don't digest, actually become part of the final, physical composite. So in front of your eyes, this part just self-assembled. It actually takes a little longer. It takes five days. But it's much faster than conventional farming.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
recycling system 3
energy content 2
building materials 2
grow materials 2
seed husks 2
corner blocks 2
corner block 2

Important Words

  1. build
  2. chitinous
  3. closely
  4. composite
  5. condensed
  6. contained
  7. conventional
  8. cycle
  9. days
  10. digest
  11. dots
  12. energy
  13. extend
  14. eyes
  15. farming
  16. faster
  17. fibers
  18. final
  19. front
  20. grow
  21. growing
  22. growth
  23. hard
  24. husk
  25. husks
  26. kind
  27. lapse
  28. longer
  29. making
  30. material
  31. materials
  32. matrix
  33. millions
  34. number
  35. part
  36. particles
  37. parts
  38. period
  39. physical
  40. picture
  41. polymer
  42. screen
  43. seed
  44. takes
  45. team
  46. time
  47. times
  48. tiny
  49. typical
  50. watch
  51. white